Bethany Sargent is helping people with Cerebral Palsy

 On 26th June in Launceston's  Victorian Market, a special fund raising event for a charity called C P Sport took place.

Local musicians and supporters of Launceston's Acoustic Cafe kindly gave up their free time to perform a variety of acts in the sweltering heat  to support Bethany Sargent's very worthy cause.

Bethany Sargent wants to help people with Cerebral Palsy

Beth is a courageous and inspiring young lady who is now able to realize how lucky she is. Bethany is proving that with the right help, support and encouragement, handicaps can be overcome, levels of confidence can be raised and happiness is achievable.

Bethany who is 11 years old, wants to help others less fortunate than herself by raising money for the charity C P Sport.

Bethany is taking on a challenge which most fit and able bodied people would shy away from. Walking the Two Moors Way is an incredible journey of 120 miles over some tough terrain across Dartmoor in south Devon and Exmoor in the north of the county.

Can you remember the last time you twisted an ankle, stubbed a toe or knocked a shinbone? I bet it hurt. Hobbling around moaning and groaning, hardly able to stand up. I do too. Now imagine living your life everyday like that. I don't want to either.

Bethany Sargent and other people like her deserve a huge amount of respect and recognition.

Here is Bethany to tell you her story.

Bethany Sargent helping others
Bethany Sargent tells her story.
Alex Wendal and Chloe Arscott performing in Launceston
Alex and Chloe helping Bethany raise money for the charity C P Sport

Alex "Wendal" Wilson playing guitar with Chloe Arscott singing.

Alex and Chloe have been playing together for about nine months and perform a range of cover songs including

"You make it real"-James Morrison
"Gotta get thru this"-Daniel Bedingfeild

They are also writing their own material which will be recorded soon. Alex and Chloe are well known to supporters of the Acoustic Cafe at Jerichos in Launceston.  Chloe tells me "We really enjoy doing the acoustic cafe's and the other gigs we have done in the past, and we are just doing what we love so it couldn't really be better :)" Today Alex and Chloe were very pleased to support Bethany Sargent and her efforts to raise money for helping others.  When not playing Alex was also monitoring the sound system and ensuring that everything sounded just right. Well done to both of you.

Marcus Cole, Hanah Dawe and Isaac Haynes helping to raise money for people with cerebal palsy
Hanah, Isaac and Marcus performing in Launceston for C P Sport

Marcus Cole playing guitar, Hanah Dawe playing the keyboard and singing and Isaac Haynes playing the congas.

Three talented youngsters who regularly come together in the name of great music played on Saturday and again thrilled the audience with cover songs and one song which Hanah has written herself.

"Wounds that would never heal"

They look pretty cool and sound amazing.

Jeff "the horse" Horsey plays for Bethany Sargent and C P Sport
Jeff Horsey supporting Cerebral Palsy Sport in Launceston

Jeff  "the horse" Horsey

Jeff describes himself as a "One man blues show" and enjoys playing blues, roots and folk rock music. Jeff has had a lot  of experience in the musical arena including forming and  fronting the local blues band

"The Backdoormen"

Jeff was was obviously keen to help Bethany raise as much money as she could for Cerebral Palsy Sport and put on a great show for the audience.
Jeff will be performing again at Penstowe on 24th July,
Acoustic Cafe in Truro on 7th August,
The Rising Sun in Gunnislake on 13th August and back again to
Jerichos Acoustic Cafe in Launceston 26th August.

James Corachea plays guitar for Bethany Sargent's charity gig in Launceston
James Corachea plays guitar for Bethany's charity gig in Launceston

James Corachea  playing guitar

James from Trebarwith is an amazing guitar player who has developed his own unique style which is very unusual.

James played a combination of his own compositions, "Confidence" and "To Feel Your Embrace" and also covers including,
"Little Meggie" by Michael Gulezian,
"Blasting Cap" by Preston Reed and
"Man In The Mirror" (Michael Jackson arrangement) by Tuck Andress

As well as taking part in this charitable event James also very kindly donated some money from the proceeds of selling his CD on the day.

Jamie Murphy and Mike Osborne performing in Launceston
Jamie Murphy and Mike Osborne helping Bethany to help others.

Jamie Murphy on guitar and Mike Osborne on guitar and vocals

Although Jamie and Mike are good friends and have known each other for a long time this was the first time they had played together. They had a quick rehearsal a few moments before and then blew us away with their covers which included
"Hey Ya" by OutKast
"Message in a bottle" by the Police
"Come together" by the Beatles
"The way you make me feel" by MIchael Jackson
Excellent stuff

Bethany Sargent and her fundraising event in Launceston

Many people put in a great deal of effort to make this a successful event and I think it is a very big well done to all of you who contributed to this event with your time, energy and  donations.

Musicians; Alex and Chloe, Hanah, Marcus and Isaac, Jeff, Jamie, Mike and James
Equipment was provided by Acoustic Cafe and Mike Osborne
The event was organised by Chris and friends.
Donations from the general public
If you would like to help Bethany to help others by making a donation online and to find out more about how C P Sport helps to change lives please visit the  C P Sport website

The star of the show and the reason for this event happening is Bethany Sargent.

We would all like to wish you the very best of luck on your journey along the Two Moors Way and on your personal journey through life.
Bethany's  charity walk starts at Wembury near Plymouth on 24th July 2010

Good Luck Bethany.


Please feel free to leave a comment in the box below.

9 thoughts on “Bethany Sargent is helping people with Cerebral Palsy

  1. Tanna

    I would love to know more about you. My daughter is almost 4 and she has CP. We would love to do something to what you are doing now to help support families who have children with CP. Please get in contact with us. Tanna

    1. sarge

      Hi Tanna, sorry for the late reply as i'm not realy on the net much! My daughter Beth has had c p her whole life as she was born 3 months prem, she is one of a twin but is certainly her own person.She is lucky that she has mild c p that mainly effects her legs but has had a lot of major surgery. We concentrate on what she can do and never say never. I think a lot of c p sufferers have a very gritty determination and should have a go at anything they want to. Summer 2011 we are hoping to walk up Ben Nevis for charity, doing these things gives Beth so much confidence and a sense of acheivement. Beth has a fab attitude that she is lucky to have the life she has and wants to help others who are not as lucky as she is. Feel free to e mail me and check out the c p sport web site. take care Tanna, chris

  2. Post author

    Thanks for lovely comments Jules.
    Thanks to everyone who gave me permission to take photographs and do a little write up about them.
    I enjoyed listening to the music in the open air on such a lovely day. Another great event Jules. Well Done.

  3. Selwyn,
    Thanks so much for all your kind words and wishes. This is absolutely fantastic!!! Thanks so much for all you have done, You truly are a legend 🙂
    Not long until our walk now, All your work and kind wishes is what beth needs to spur her on during her walk, We truly are overwhelmed with the response and support we have had,
    THANK YOU from all of us and especilly beth ( AKA, The Betmyster, Betty Boo,) Thank again buddy

    1. Post author

      You are very welcome Chris and Beth
      I forget sometimes just how very lucky I am to be in good health,
      I forget sometimes just how lucky I am to have such a loving family,
      I forget sometimes just how lucky I am to have supportive friends.
      You have reminded me to be thankful for so much.
      Cheers Chris
      Good luck Beth x

      1. sarge

        Hey all, sorry for the late reply to tell you all how well the walk went. We finished the walk one day early. finished in 11 days, weather was fab, one day of rain! Raised over 6500 pounds towards a very deserving charity, (c.p. sport) next adventure in summer 2011, Walking up Ben Nevis in Scotland! Thanks so much to all of you that supported us, you made a real difference.

    1. Post author

      Good for you Marcus. You are a star on guitar and a cool dude. Looking forward to seeing Hanah, Isaac and yourself again.


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